Thoughts on Trust Me
In the second book of the trilogy, TRUST ME, the story continues with Christina and her children, and a few other characters. Again, Christina is faced with situations which cause her faith, and trust in God, to be tested. Her children go through a few episodes themselves, which tend to make them question their own beliefs.
I have discovered that one cannot have total trust, if fear reigns in their mind and spirit. The scripture that keeps popping up in Christina's life is, Proverbs 3: 5-6, which tells us to Trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct our paths.
First of all, He tells us to trust Him, but trust Him completely—with all our heart. Really? ALL our hearts? Then He tells us to not lean on, or trust our own understanding (of the situation). We need to remember that God is outside of time, and He sees not only right now, but yesterday, today and tomorrow. The last part of that verse says that we are to acknowledge Him—be aware of His presence—in all we do, and be thankful for it. Then He says if you do this, He will direct your paths. He wants us to be aware, thankful, and open to His plan for our lives.
How many of you just jump into doing something without council, prayer, or lack of research? I think we all do from time to time. Sometimes, God is silent, but it doesn't mean He isn't aware of your struggles. Sometimes in His silence, He says “wait,” “no,” or “later.” Sometimes the answer comes quickly. We need to remember that we can't put God in a box. That is where faith and trust come into play.
There are many things which may happen to us, or around us, that we have no control over, but even so, we are to trust God to get us through it. As one of my former pastors used to say when he was serving in Azerbaijan, and folks would ask if he was afraid of being in such an unsafe place, he would respond, “I am safe in God's arms until He calls me home. I refuse to live my life in fear of what could happen, when so many people are dying every day, without being told about their Heavenly Father.”
According to the NIV Bible, there are 170 references to the word TRUST. Many of which state that we are to trust God, our heavenly father.
There are many people walking around with trust issues. Many have been hurt, disappointed time after time, or have seen others suffer through hurts. One lady said to me recently, “It's hard to trust someone I can't see.” I explained to her that that is what faith is. Knowing her background, and family dynamics, I can understand her fear. She has been hurt so many times by people she's trusted, it's difficult for her to get past those issues. I am, however the first person she calls when she needs advice or prayer.
Babies and young children are usually very trusting others, unless there has been some kind of physical or emotional trauma. God instructs us to be like little children, who are mostly fearless, and trustful.
My little granddaughter is very adventurous, friendly, and trusting, as she has never had a reason not to be. She trusts her grandpa to throw her up in the air, and swing her upside down without fear. Now if grandpa had dropped her a couple of times, or deliberately scared her when he was swinging her, that would be a different story.
Children are like sponges, and depending on what they are taught, through words or experiences, they can maintain that trust for a long time. At least until some kind of circumstance, or unkind person hurts them.
As adults, we have experienced enough events—like 911—to taint our ideas of trust, which results in fear.